Nehal Hotel - SOS
Nehal Hotel - SOS
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Nehal Hotel

Start Date:
Completion Date:

Sporting a three star, the Nehal hotel offers contempory leisure with its state of the art facility. Located at an ideal spot within a distance of 4.8km from Abu Dhabi Corniche, and 4kms away from the bustling city center of Abu Dhabi, Nehal is the best there is to offer to luxury style and comfort.

The place features classic stark rooms which are adequately equipped to best suit the need of its occupants with modern equipment including individual climate control, flat screen television, a kitchen, refrigerator and a pantry.

Additionally, these rooms essentially cover up for a luxury stay through a shower, bidet and hotel sponsored toiletries. The onsite snack bar and restaurant offers the best dishes and with various assortments of international cuisine and drink bars.