Al Ain Wildlife & Resort - SOS
Al Ain Wildlife & Resort - SOS
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Al Ain Wildlife & Resort

Start Date:
Completion Date:

A perfect place for recreational and educational development, Al Aim Wildlife and Resort is a definite place for a healthy exposure to wildlife for kids and adults alike. With animals nestling peacefully in an almost real like home environment, it offers an absolute view of animals living within their environment.

Within an area of 4 kilometers the place is home to an impressive number of 4000 animals of across 200 species. With such a number it offers a guaranteed educative and recreational experience for all the animal enthusiasts.

Established by the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the zoo is a magnificent place that works on developing and protecting endangered species. Been around for almost 50 years, it has long since been a hub of tourist attention with its adventurous spirit.