Kitchen Hood - SOS
Kitchen Hood - SOS
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Kitchen Hood

Scores of credible studies recently highlighted cooking equipment to be the highest cause of kitchen fires. This inadvertently makes installing kitchen hood fire suppression systems the ultimate method of protection. 


These kitchen fire suppression systems are exceedingly common and are designed to protect a vast array of kitchen utensils including stoves and deep fat fryers. Therefore, they are not only a commodity within resturamts but are also becoming quite popular in apartment buildings along with student housing. 


These kitchen hood fire suppression systems work by cutting off main fueling supplies of a fire that is heat oxygen and source fuel. The system features nozzles that are to be installed in the kitchen hood exhaust along with fire detectors. These detectors, as soon as detect fuel fire release the wet chemicals to effectively put out fires. 


Additionally, these wet chemicals are specifically designed to immediately starve the fire of its fueling source and oxygen so that there eis fast and easy combustion. The system alos, along with its detection of fire cuts off the gas line so that the fire gets deprived of its fuel source. 


These systems have so far proven to be extremely useful and effective as they put out fires without causing any damage to other cooking stations. This suppression system furthermore, works to eliminate smoke out by automatically turning on the exhaust. 


As kitchen fire hood suppression system is highly efficient and effective, it produces flawless results and ensures protection and security from fires.

Premium Features

  • Maximum coverage of all installations by sprinklers
  • Heat detectors placed in the hood
  • Custom suited temperature level
  • Fewer nozzle discharge
  • Mechanical release modulus
  • Easily checked by gauge
  • Pressurized easily after each discharge
  • Automatic & manual discharge ability