Fire Suppression - SOS
Fire Suppression - SOS
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fire suppression

Responsible for extinguishing fires within buildings without any kind of human intervention, fire suppression systems and automatic suppression systems are now a necessity. They provide fast and efficient fire protection allowing people to remain safe at all times. These systems fall into two categories namely, engineered and pre-engineered systems. 

Fixed fire suppression systems have a wide range of extinguishing agents whose use depends solely on materials they are designated to protect. Similarly , Dry chemical powder suppression systems rely on extinguishing fires through the use of dry chemical powder. 

These dry chemical powders are considerably useful when it comes to extinguishing fires caused by chemical agents and liquified gases. Primarily as introducing dry chemical powder to a fire result in immediate extinguishing. 

Additionally, foam suppression systems are handy against fire prevention, extinguishing and control. They are effective in use against flammable liquids contained within tanks or processing areas as they constrict formation of flammable vapours and disallow reignition. 

Gas suppression systems also known as gaseous systems extinguish fires through a fairly skillful use of chemical agents.  These systems are waterless and efficiently deploy chemicals without leaving water or any oily residue behind. This way there is complete guarantee or valuable and irreplaceable assets remaining in perfect condition. 

Fire suppression is exceedingly necessary therefore at SOS we deem it of high value. The fire suppression equipment we provide is specifically designed to provide safety to lives, buildings and assets.  

We are proud to say that our products are of top notch quality and are highly rated by some of the top most industrial brands. Therefore if you value safety and integrity, SOS fire safety is the one to choose!

types of fire suppression

  • -Gas system: FM200
  • -Chemical foam
  • -Water mist system
  • -Foam deluge system
  • -Pneumatic heat detection

premium features

  • – Advanced visibilty & reliability through control unit
  • – Rugged design for durability
  • – Automatic detection
  • – Reduced maintenance costs through stainless steel distribution